terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2022



Hello guys, how are you? Im here again to show you all another tip for online shopping. You guys now that I really love shopping by internet so this one today. I thought it was really good to share with you all.

The company name is Girlmerry. They are a wholesale women's clothing website. With a large range of product categories. You can buy Women's Dresses, Intimate Lingerie, Tops, Pants , Swimwear and other accessories.

Gitlmerry goals like you can see in the website is:
"Always to provide our customers with high quality products at competitive factory direct prices. The more you buy, the more you save! Whether you're a personal buyer looking for fashion clothes, or a store owner or business wholesaler searching for suppliers to give your business the competitive edge, girlmerry.com is perfect for you thanks to our high quality products, low wholesale prices, and attentive service."

You can find more about this company in this article here and know more about this wholesale.

So Girlmerry is a perfect place to buy itens like a cheap sexy dress online if you are like me and love buy online more than go to stores, even more that we are still facing a worldwide pandemic. Thats great right?

When browsing the website I separated some items from  that I found very beautiful that match my style. Lets see? Click on the images for the product link!

- 01 - 
This dress is so cute, I really loved the fabric an
t the lace details and the holes in the side.
- 02 -
This dress is so beatiful and classy,
matches so much with my style. The details is so wonderful!
- 03 -
This one gives me Wednesday Adams vibes and
I love the corset-like front detail.
- 04 -
The one with the long sleeves, on the other hand, gives me a more witchy vibe.
I really liked the lace details.
- 05 -
Im crazy in love with this skirt OMG!
This piece gives me a vampire vibe. 
- 06 -
And the last one that I picked is the another pretty amazing shirt 
with that sheer fabric and eyelet details.

This website is really a great place to buy when you are looking for some new wholesale dress to to renew your wardrobe and style. And I managed to find several pieces and countless others that match all my styles of dressing.

Hope you enjoyed the finds of the day, I really like the Girlmerry items so much. Take care and see you next time with more online stores to share with you all guys. Thank you all for your time and have a nice day.

Don't forget to check that Girlmerry now also launched an APP to download to your cell phone and you get a discount!

Girlmerry APP is online, 
Get 6% OFF on the APP!!!!


*This is a publipost sponsored by Girlmerry*

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~ bloodbatsandbones.blogspot.com.br