segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2022


Hello guys, how are you? Happy New Year! New Year New Life! Im here today to show to you guys another online website to shop. because you guys know: I LOVE BUYING ONLINE! This time I came to bring a tip from a online store focuses on wedding dresses,prom dresses men's suits, tuxedos and serve customers.

The stores called: Customizeone and their proposal as announced on the website:
"Customizone has its own professional tailors and handcraft workshop to custom dresses and suits for every consumer. No matter the wedding dresses and tuxedoes, prom dresses and men's outfits, wedding bridesmaid dresses or groomsmen suits; no matter the price of each order, we will always use the high quality fabrics, linings and buttons to custom made the dresses and suits with precisely measurements. "
For those who like me have the dream of getting married as soon as possible with the end of all this period that we are going through the world pandemic, it is a great option where to buy pretty and cheap wedding dresses like this ones:




I really loved this ones, you guys know that my dress cant be "normal" so this black one is to die for!!!
And you can also find Men's wedding suits like this one I selected that I thought was really cute.

For those who are afraid to buy online, the site offers a special page to help you make the measurements exactly as you need.
Click here

I hope you enjoyed the finds of the day. Take care and see you next time with more online stores to share with you all guys. Thank you all for your time.

*This is a publipost sponsored by Customizeone*

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