quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2021


Hello guys, today im here to show another online store that I found. This time is a such funny one. You know how much I like to always be on the lookout for new online store to show you guys because I prefer to shop virtually than in real stores. And now more than never with "Covid never ending story" is the easy and safe way and look good, so I find the perfect way to achieve this goal. Lets see? 

This time the name of the company is Gancubean emerging technology enterprise company founder by Mr. Gan-Yuan Jiang, a speedcubing pioneer from China. Gancube owns multiple patents and spreads the business from research, development, design, manufacture, marketing, promotion and wholesale. On Gancube website you can find a lot of differents speedcubs

"GANCUBE'S enffort is to provide better services to cubers worldwide!"

Check out about Feliks Zemdegs: a speedcuber known worldwide for holding several world records with the magic cube, in addition to other variants, he is a Gancube guru!

I always found these magic cubes interesting and did not know that there are even competition about it. When I found this site I found it very interesting that people compete in this type of category and I found it very cool and different, very smart too!!

In addition to being a very cool pastime for the days we are living in today. You can start by buying a beginner speedcube, have fun alone or at the same time you can buy for yourself and your family to have a common activity. Who knows a competition to see who will wash the dishes? Really fun!

Hope you guys enjoyed the findings I indicated and don't forget to check the website to more good finds. I wish to all a great day and stay safe!! 


*This is a publipost sponsored by Gancube*

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~ bloodbatsandbones.blogspot.com.br